Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Why we fight, part 2 -- words from our community

We've just completed our annual survey, and we seriously consider everything that people tell us -- including suggestions and criticisms as well as statistical totals. In a future posting, I'll address some of the specific suggestions and concerns, and some of the comments about our building.

But some of the statements people took extra time to write really hit home with me -- statements about what we're doing here, and why. The comments below speak for themselves:
  • No matter what age, you can benefit from the library material and opportunities it has to offer.
  • Libraries provide valuable services, especially in these hard economic times as not everyone has access to computers and Internet services.
  • It is one of the important responsibilities of government to provide free public libraries to citizens. It is the responsibility of citizens to provide the support necessary to maintain free public libraries.
  • At this time when the economy is poor, the library provides a needed service to the general public for the right price FREE. Not everyone can afford to purchase books, DVDs or CDs
  • Libraries are important so people can find a quiet place to work and learn. Books are a good imagination builder!
  • Libraries are the life-blood of the community. The public library is and has been my life line for my life experiences. Thank you for all of your work to make APL a place to learn. It is our Right as citizens to have a center that is easily accessible and is RICH of Life and Learning and Fun and Browsing. We, as a Community, are only as good as our Library.
  • Without libraries I don't believe that we could call ourselves a civilization.
  • I am so grateful for the services our library provides - especially now that I am a grandmother!
  • As a teacher, the library is one of my best resources. It also saves me time and money.
  • It's where the poor and lowly can go as well as anyone else.
  • With city, county, state and national parks, free public libraries are the jewels of the republic.
  • I believe the public libraries and public schools are the things that set this country apart!
  • Many people cannot afford Internet access. This evens the playing field, especially for students.
  • Anyone can use the library, rich or poor.
  • A high quality public library is essential to a well educated, informed public. It feeds our nation's youth. It serves all people in our country, not just the ones who can afford it. Andrew Carnegie's vision should be followed. Without free and open access to knowledge, our society is doomed.
  • They are very essential for me as they serve a great part of my social, entertainment needs. I have lived in other states and cities and always considered libraries to be essential.
  • If we didn't have this in our library the community would be far behind in dark ages -- thanks for public library
  • They should remain free & public, welcoming to everyone. The public library is extremely important to the quality of a community.

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